Friday, January 9, 2009

neo-techno-priestess of tezcatlipoca

there is something so very perverse and fascinating to think of an ancient cult surviving into a harsh world rendered mystically sterile by high technological advances. mesoamerican mythology has always been my bag, and it obsesses me almost to imagine my avatar as an undead representation of various mythical figures or folklore legends.

today thanks to XStreet SL, (formerly known as SLexchange) i can mimic one of my favorite deities, tezcatlipoca, the god of the smoking mirror.

it amused me to pretend i needed a sacrificial victim, and with this pretext, i wandered the city, peeping in nooks and crannies, and even breaking and entering, in that strange SL non-criminal exploratory sorta way.

the priestess is wearing:

skin: :: Hybrid Prod :: Skin : Shaded Black Waspoid (F)
hair: EMO-tions Maya hair (rings option on)
belt & pants: Digit Darkes & Synthetic Dreams Lots a BotsBelt (gold) and Leather Studded heart underpants
skirt: +*susie*+ Vampire Skirt
shirt & leg silks: Ronjas Virtual Attire--Golden Snake
jacket: <<>> Gamine girl camisole
bracelets: !Retox! Bloody BoneHead bracelets
bone armlets & necklace: Grim Bros/Cutea Benelli Jolly Roger bracelet, Bone dress upper arm, LPG Skull n bone collar S
Dagger: Cortech Cyber Dagger v3.0
hair rose: GF-- Rose hairpin suede (wine)
nose piercing: AVZ Skull Nose Piercing
earrings: +SPICA+ Suicide Earrings
boots: Dark Eden Thetis Boots
pose: Body Language by SLC Haruka Modeling Poses set.

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