Monday, January 26, 2009

gothic oiran

Originally uploaded by al-zahra
i meant to post this earlier but sometimes it seems an outfit evolves.....i found this magnificent outfit from a place called "Illuminati." I didn't realize at the time that it was based on an actual outfit worn by a j-rock band. I have always been fascinated by courtesans, and oirans completely enthrall me. when i first got this outfit, i went to a dirty peepshow sim to dance, thinking that it was appropriate for an oiran. but then i laughed because i am sure my friends wondered what the hell i was doing there.

i wonder though what i am truly saying in kimono-ese, to those in the know, but what struck me was the gothic styling of this, and the distinctive front tying obi, which distinguishes it from a geisha's outfit. so i removed some of the pieces and added some gothic accessories like armwarmers and pants, thinking that this is what a cybergothic oiran would wear as she paraded down the street going to her next assignation.

my new favorite outfit
Originally uploaded by al-zahra
this first version stats:

kanzashi: Ookami Ningen Silvered Kanzashi
hair rose: GF suede Black rose hairpin
gothic oiran kimono: Illuminati Ouka Saki Some ni Keri
tother clothes: Susie Armwarmers barbed wire, trick pants, Goth boots
hair: Magika Lucy
skin: Whispers of Night Deathly F Lost Gloom Stalker
fan: Sweetaholic Rose particle fans
Abranimations Geisha dance

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